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Hedychium densiflorum
Highly desirable garden plants from the Ginger Family with attractive foliage and very showy flowers. Most of the species are pleasantly fragrant and enliven the garden by attracting butterflies and moths.Some of the species are cold hardy, and deciduous during the winter months.

Hedychium densiflorum 40-60 cm tall very elegant and a miniature which makes an excellent pot plants and for rock gardens. The 15-20 cm long, dense racemose of golden flowers are truely a gardeners delight.

�Mature dormant flowering size rhizomes offered.

�Loves well drained potting compost with grit, loam and leaf mulch mixed in equal parts. Feed and water well during growing period. Keep moist during dormancy. Prefers 50% light though few can tolerate up to 70%.

Hedychium densiflorum

SKU: H1160
Excluding Sales Tax

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