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Gloriosa superba
Often called Glory or Flame Lilies. These climbing lilies are excellent as pot plants. It can grow upto 3m or more producing many flowers throughout the summer. The flowers open up with the petals folding back revealing very attractive orange yellow flowers with frilled edges. The long lasting flowers makes it excellent for cut flower use. The tubers go dormant during autumn. Each single tuber after flowering dies, producing two tubers..

Mature dormant 10 cm up flowering size tubers offered.

Pot culture. Pot in a mixture of 2 parts of garden soil, one part horticultural sand and one part rich humus compost. Place tuber horizontally and cover with 6 cm of soil. Keep the soil moist and place it in warm corner. Increase watering and move it to more sunlight once it begins to grow. Do not water and fertilize after flowering to allow the plant to go dormant.

Outdoor culture. Choose a spot in your garden with trellis or fence to allow the plant to climb. Plant them 6 cm deep and 10-12 cm apart horizontally. Water and keep soil moist till the shoots appear. After flowering the tubers go dormant.

Gloriosa superba

SKU: G7530
Excluding Sales Tax

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